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Barneby Gates

Barneby Gates twaqqaf fl-2009 minn żewġ ħbieb tat-tfulija, Vanessa Barneby u Alice Gates, li ħajjithom kienu marbuta minn meta kellhom għaxar snin. Wara li studjaw flimkien fl-Università ta’ Edinburgh, il-karrieri tagħhom ħaduhom fuq tragitti separati. Vanessa qattgħet ħames snin fil-magazin House & Garden, qabel ma mxiet għal rwol ta’ Living Editor f’British Vogue, fejn bassret ix-xejriet tad-disinn, idderiġiet rimjiet fotografiċi u esplorat ir-rabta bejn il-moda u l-interjuri. Alice studjat pittra figurattiva fl-Italja qabel ma kisbet MA mis-City & Guilds ta’ London Art School. Sussegwentement, ħadmet ma’ diversi marki tal-moda, għaliha ddisinjat stampar għall-kollezzjonijiet tad-dwajer.

Wallpaper Barneby Gates

Barneby Gates huwa studio Brittaniku tal-wallpapers u t-tessuti, maħluq minn ħbieb tul il-ħajja Vanessa Barneby u Alice Gates. Huma magħrufa għad-diversità tal-istampar tagħhom, fejn jgħaqqdu tekniki tradizzjonali u referenzi storiċi ma’ sens modern. Mill-fażi inizjali tal-abbozzar għall-ħolqien tal-paletta ta’ kuluri, mill-għażla tal-metodi ta’ stampar għad-direzzjoni ta’ rimjiet fotografiċi, Alice u Vanessa jaħdmu mill-qrib fuq kull kollezzjoni mill-bidu sat-tmiem. Huma jħaddmu personalment l-istokk u t-twassil, li jippermettilhom joffru servizz estremament personali lill-klijentela globali tagħhom.

Sostenibbiltà ta’ Barneby Gates

Il-prodotti tagħhom huma mfassla bl-id, inġinerizzabbli u stampar tal-proud fl-Ingilterra, il-kollezzjonijiet tagħhom jinkludu wallpapers bil-roll, drappijiet bil-metre u firxa ta’ cushions sbieħ magħmula bl-idejn fir-Renju Unit. Huma wkoll jipprovdu l-kolla mmarkata tagħhom, li jirrakkomandaw ħafna li tintuża mal-wallpapers tagħhom. Bl-użu ta’ żebgħa baxxa VOC mixtrija bl-idejn biex jinħolqu kuluri uniċi, il-wallpapers u t-tessuti tagħhom huma sorsi minn sorsi sostenibbli u maniġġjati tajjeb, tradizzjonalment stamprati f’fatturi Ingliżi bl-użu ta’ metodi ta’ stampar rotarju u pian flat ippruvati matul iż-żmien.

Disinn ta' Barneby Gates

Huma jgawdu jaħdmu mal-marki li jammiraw fuq proġetti konġunti. Dawn jinkludu wallpaper personalizzat għall-marka tal-moda Rag & Bone, l-iżvilupp ta’ wallpaper għal SHOWstudio bl-arti minn Julie Verhoeven, kollaborazzjoni mal-disinjatur tal-moda Tabitha Webb biex iġġib l-istampi tagħha mill-runway għall-ħajt, żewġ drappijiet apposta għal Sofa.com u l-applikazzjoni tal-istampi tagħhom fuq madum kbir tal-porċellana bil-kollaborazzjoni ma’ Parkside Tiles. L-aħħar sħubija tagħhom mal-istilista tad-dwiefer Willow Crossley tinkludi żewġ disinji botaniċi istunning, issa disponibbli kemm bħala wallpaper kif ukoll bħala drapp.

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Boxing Hares
Barneby Gates
Billiard Green

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Barneby Gates
Camo Green

113 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Deer Damask
Barneby Gates
Gold on Claret

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
All Star
Barneby Gates

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
All Star
Barneby Gates

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Anchor Tile
Barneby Gates

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Anchor Tile
Barneby Gates
Red, White, Blue

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Barneby Gates
Pastel Pink

107 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Barneby Gates

107 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Barneby Gates

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Barneby Gates

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Artichoke Thistle
Barneby Gates
Spring Green

107 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Artichoke Thistle
Barneby Gates

107 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Autumn Berry
Barneby Gates

107 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Autumn Berry
Barneby Gates
Vintage Pink

107 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Bolt From Mars
Barneby Gates
Red on Natural

107 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Bolt From Mars
Barneby Gates
Yellow on Charcoal

107 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Boxing Hares
Barneby Gates

113 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Bugs & Butterflies
Barneby Gates
Ice Blue

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Bugs & Butterflies
Barneby Gates

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Capri Lemons
Barneby Gates
Azure Blue

113 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Capri Lemons
Barneby Gates

113 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Carpe Noctem
Barneby Gates
Hot Pink and Silver

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Carpe Noctem
Barneby Gates
Lime and Gold

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Barneby Gates
Black on Parchment

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Barneby Gates
Eau di Nil

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Barneby Gates

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Barneby Gates

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Barneby Gates

107 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Barneby Gates
Ink Blue

107 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Barneby Gates

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Barneby Gates
Pale Grey/Silver

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Barneby Gates

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Barneby Gates

1772 NOK

media.product.imagealternatetextformat media.product.imagealternatetextformat
Deer Damask
Barneby Gates
Duck Egg Blue & Antique Gold

1772 NOK

Diamond Trellis
Barneby Gates

1772 NOK