Għal kulħadd fil-familja
Garanzija tal-aħjar prezz
Tbaħħir B'xejn
Kunsinna fid-Dar
Il-prezz irid ikun minn €0.0 sa €999999999.0
00 /m²
  • 1. Tella’ l-immaġni tiegħek
  • 2. Daħħal id-dimensjonijiet tal-ħajt
  • 3. Aħsad - mexxi l-qafas. Ikklikkja fuq l-immaġni u mexxi l-qafas fuq ir-ritratt u ipposizzjonah kif meħtieġ.
0 cm
0 cm
Kwalità baxxa
Nirrakkomandaw l-użu ta' immaġni differenti
Kwalità medja
L-immaġni tiegħek hija 'forsi'. Tista' tikkuntattja lis-servizz tal-konsumatur għal evalwazzjoni.
Kwalità tajba
L-immaġni tiegħek għandha riżoluzzjoni biżżejjed għat-tħarġin.

Tella' immaġni

0 cm x 0 cm

L-ordni tiegħek se tintbagħat fi żmien 4-5 jiem tax-xogħol.

Oħloq il-wallpaper tar-ritratt tiegħek stess

The photo wallpaper Your Own Image allows you to create a customized wall mural featuring your own image. The image is printed on durable material of non-woven quality that keeps its shape well. To install, the wallpaper paste is applied directly to the accent wall (non-woven paste) and the panels are installed edge-to-edge. Creating your own personal accent wall has never been easier. Upload your image, specify the dimensions, select crop, and receive an assessment of the image quality immediately.
Remember, if you have any queries, our highly skilled graphic professionals can edit most aspects of an image/wallpaper to make it meet your requirements. You are always welcome to call us at +46 (0) 8 26 11 11 for free expert advice.