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Product Information

You can read more about all products in our range here. If you have further questions, please contact our customer service for more information.


Are you looking for a specific wallpaper but do not have an article number?

Send a picture of the wallpaper to customer service and we will assist you.

Batch number

All wallpaper rolls have a batch number or serial number on the label indicating colour dye and printing. It is important that all rollers have the same batch number when setting up the wallpapers as colour tone and pattern matching may differ between different prints. Always check that all batch numbers are correct before setting up the wallpapers and save the labels. If you want to order wallpaper rolls from a special batch, you can write it as a message when you order. We reserve the right to final sale.

Wallpaper samples

We work hard to ensure that all images and colour descriptions of our wallpapers are correct, but textures and shifts in metallic colours are not always fully visible in the image. If you are unsure of what the wallpaper looks like, we recommend that you order a product sample before you make your purchase. Feel free to put the wallpaper samples on the wall for a few days so that you can see what the wallpaper looks like in different lights. If you want to paint the other walls in a matching colour, you can also take the sample to a paint store, and they will help you produce an NCS code.

How much wallpaper do I need?

Our requirement calculator counts entire walls and it can be wallpapered over, especially if pattern matching applies. Save leftover wallpaper in case any areas need to be replaced in the future.